utopía andante | melómana incurable | cinéfila | adicta a los libros | hija de escritores | alma de artista

triste intento de fotógrafa | chef principiante | algún día periodista y traductora

Los que se arriesgan a leer mi locura:




There's always something 
In the way 
There's always something 
Getting through 
But it's not me 
it's You 

Sometime's ignorance 
Rings true 
But hope is not in 
What I know 
Not in me 
It's in You 

It's all I know 

And I find peace 
When I'm confused 
I find hope when 
I'm let down 
Not in me 
But in You 

I hope to lose myself 
For good 
I hope to find it in the end 
Not in me 
It's You 
It's all I know

You - Switchfoot.

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